We found these Heywood Wakefield Chairs on Ebay in San Diego, so Dan went down and picked them up this summer. They are beautiful, are in great condition, and go splendidly with our buffet... all except for the hideous 70s re-upholstery job. It took awhile for us to find fabric we could commit to, but here is the before and after. They make me smile!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Misc. Monday: Headband Part 2
Iris needs a black headband for her Halloween outfit and we have a picture appointment tomorrow (It's a first, you know)... so in the midst of Lilly's fever tonight I made this headband out of an old T-shirt of Lilly's and a piece of ribbon. Now I just have to sew Iris' skirt, clean up vomit blankets, put away dishes, pick up the house, and fold some laundry...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Misc. Monday: Big Bear
As most of you know, my parents have a condo in Big Bear, and we try to get up there whenever we can. It is so nice to get away; there is so much to do there. A few weekends ago, we went up with our friends, Brian & Emy & their son, Quentin. We rode the lift at Snow Summit for the first time. The kids LOVED walking around at the top of the mountain and throwing rocks. We ate at the airport and watched the planes take off, went to the candy store, got ice cream, and BBQ'd. The Mommies even got to stop at the Anthropologie at Victoria Gardens on the way home. What a great weekend!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wee-One Wednesday: Milk Anyone?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Misc. Monday: I'm OK With It
A very close friend of mine couldn't believe that I posted the picture if me holding Iris in the sling at the apple farm, let alone that I didn't delete it from my camera. You see, my "muffin top" is hanging out of my jeans. I should have seen it... would have a few years ago, but now all I was looking at was smiling Iris holding onto her little feet. Now, my friend wasn't being mean; it's just that she knows me so well. I have a history of being super critical, but now at 33 years old, I think I'm over it. I don't have time to obsess about every little think I eat. Maybe I want to enjoy a piece of sourdough bread with butter on it, and I'm OK with that.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wee-One Wednesday: Date Night
Dan got free tickets to the Icecapades last night, so we decided to take Lilly. I gave her a bath, dressed her up, and told her she was going on a special date with Mommy and Daddy. In the parking lot, she had to have the window rolled down so she could tell the attendant hi and that she was having a date night. She was so adorable! She got searched by security and gave her ticket to the door man. She sat in her seat waiting, with her ticket clutched tightly in her hand. When the lights went down, she yelled, clapped, danced, bounced, and screamed with excitement. After the first routine, she yelled, "Good job, Ballerina!" turned to me and said, "Did I yell that to her, Mom?" She made binoculars with her hands, shared popcorn with the little girl in front of her and said, "Thank you for taking me" when we got back to the car. You're welcome, Lilly!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Misc. Monday: Mini Me
I've heard about this phase that preschoolers go through when all they want to do is help their Mommy. Lately, Lilly has been wanting to put the dishes away, fold laundry, sort coupons, wash dishes, and bathe her sister. Honestly, it's more of a mess than a help, but I keep thinking, "I'm so proud of her servant's heart, and maybe she'll want to help out when she's older." Then again, didn't I hear that this was just a phase...