Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wee-One Wednesday: Who's 2?

Today our little baby turned two. We celebrated by taking her to get goldfish for her room before dinner, and back out after dinner for frozen yogurt. She was a happy mess. Her new favorite song is currently "Happy birthday to you." She even woke up from her nap singing it. Happy Birthday, sweet Iris! We love you all the way to heaven and back (as Lilly likes to say)!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Misc. Monday: I Have to Share!

So, Lilly and I are watching the news and Japan's devastation comes on. She asks me what happened and I give her the four year old version. A little while later, I walk past her room and the girls are in her bed with the lights off. Me: "What are you doing?" Lilly: "Praying." Me: "Playing what?" Lil: "No, praying!" Me: "What are you praying for?" Lil: "That JESUS will do his miracles on Japan." Me: Speechless, with tears in my eyes, walking away...
Another milestone this morning... Me: "Iris, here's your muffin for breakfast." Iris: "Waaawaah." Me: "What? Eat your breakfast. We have to go." Iris: "WAAAAWAAA" 10 times. Me: "You want a waffle?" Iris: "YA!" Me: "Well, okay then." I'm starting to think she's been talking up a storm. We just have no idea what she's sayin!

Misc. Monday: Party Time!

Iris enjoyed her birthday party very much. She really understood that it was for her, was in awe of everyone singing to her, and gave lots of hugs and cuddles to anyone who would let her. She devoured her cake, fed some to her new baby, and loved tearing into her gifts. It was a relaxing morning, and we never felt stressed.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sew Crafty saturday: Someone's Turning 2!

We are in party prep mode over here. I can not believe our baby is turning two already! Next Saturday, we are having a tiny party for her. I decided to go with a heart theme because everyone who meets her, loves Iris!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wee-Ones Wednesday: Little Ladies Update

Day three of Lilly's face looks way worse than before, but at least the swelling is gone. She is doing pretty well on her ballerina chart, and had an excellent week, with just a few episodes of whining here and there. I'm planning on taking her to observe a class on Friday. That should definitely seal the deal. She has been very kind to her sister. She is picking up her room now, but it's the stomping and arguing that's hard for her, which I hear is quite normal.

Iris is doing great. Her breathing is completely normal, and we go back to the doctor's again on Monday. She has learned to embrace her breathing treatments because it is her special time to cuddle with whoever is administering it to her.  Iris loves baby dolls more than anything. She feeds them, listens to their breathing with her stethoscope, pats their backs, and loves to push them around in doll strollers. She's already worn out the one from Christmas! Lilly didn't play with dolls like this at Iris' age. It's so fun to watch how different they are.  She is talking up a storm now, and has finally started to say Lilly or "Yiyi." She always says thank you.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Misc. Monday: Slow Down!

It was bound to happen sooner or later, I suppose. Lilly was running around in her socks yesterday, slipped, and hit her face on the edge of the coffee table. Lots of tears and swelling ensued. Once she felt better, she said, "I should've worn the socks Grandma got me with the bumpies on the bottom." When I dropped her off at preschool this morning, some kids asked her, "What happened to your face?" She was so excited and replied, "Let me tell you the story of how it happened..." It's still pretty swollen today which makes me think she will probably get double rainbow black eyes. I thought girls didn't get black eyes!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sew Crafty Saturday: Going Green

I wasn't planning on it. We don't "celebrate" it. Yet, I could not help my self. The console table looked so dreary after I took Valentine's Day down. What did I get myself into? Does a leprechaun have to visit us? Dan says now I  have to give corned beef a try...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wee-Ones Wednesday: Surrender

She spends an hour a day (all together) taking her breathing treatments.

I never thought this would be what I used my refinished dresser for!
 Most of you know, Iris was admitted to the hospital again last Friday. We were released Sunday morning, and were grateful to be going home. The first time all this happened, I was so strong. I was running on adrenaline and no sleep. I documented the event as if it were something we, as a family, could check off a list of "been there - done that." It never crossed my mind that you could return to the hospital two weeks later. I was angry with her doctors and plenty scared. She looked and sounded so bad. We had follow-up appointment with her pediatrician the day after we were released, and it left me very frustrated. Her doctor said she has asthma, gave me some literature to read, and sent me on my way. Reading through everything and realizing that we/they have no idea what caused her severe attacks scares me. We are her parents and we are here to protect her! Why aren't they telling us how to avoid this? To skip ahead a bit, I have since spoken to her doctor on the phone, and realize that Iris can't be subjected to tests until she is well.
So I have to be patient; I have to surrender her to the Lord. He has a plan. It is not my plan. I am not in control. I am crying as I write theses words. It is so hard... Jesus said, "Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wee-Ones Wednesday: Are We Mean?

She traced the "ballerina does and doesn't part." Gotta love Kindergarten fonts!

It was Lilly's idea to draw a happy ballerina face and cross
out a bad ballerina.
Lilly really wants to take ballet, or "vallet" as she call it. She asks all the time. It's something we would love for her to do too. (She could use even more structure and discipline in her life!) We can afford it; money is not the issue as to why we are not taking her right now. The thing is, we are not sure that she deserves to go.  You see, Miss Lilly has developed some bad habits in her old age. Nothing out of the ordinary for a four year old, I am told. Yet, difficult to live with to say the least. She has good days and bad, just like the rest of us, still... Becoming a ballerina is a big deal to her, so why not use this as an opportunity to help her make good decisions? Hence, our ballerina chart was developed. We all wish her good luck!