Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Wee-Ones Wednesday: The Self Imposed Behavior Chart
I think my daughter is the only one who came home from Kindergarten and made our family the "clip up, clip down" behavior system her teacher uses at school out of paper towels. It's really quite simple. Every student has his/her name on a clothes pin and they clip up for good choices and clip down for poor choices. I use it in my classroom too. It's nice because the kids are able to redeem themselves throughout the day.
What's funny is that Lilly made the chart, tells us to use it, then screams, "NOOOO!" while rolling around on the floor when we ask her to clip down. Is it wrong that I ask Lilly what her teacher would say if she could see her throwing this gigantic fit? Nah...
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Sew Crafty Saturday: Custom Bath Tray
I love to take baths. So much so, that my cell phone number is programmed in Dan's cell phone as "Michelle bath" because when we were dating that is where I was during most of our phone conversations. I don't get to partake in this luxury very much anymore, but when I do, I always take a good book & some wine, beer, or a bowl of ice cream.
So what did my wonderful husband do? He built me a custom bath tray out of gorgeous walnut, with detailed tongue and groove edges. He could have just nailed three pieces of wood together, but not my Dan. He is crafty and just that awesome!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Misc. Monday: The Little Things
Waiting in the front yard for Dan to get home has got to be one of my favorite "little things." As soon as he pulls up, the girls run over yelling, "Daddy Daddy" and my heart smiles.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Sew Crafty Saturday: Baby Boy Tie
I made Hendricks this tie using one of Dan's old ties (not old since it had a tag from Banana Republic still attached to it, but old since my hubby never wore it and was only too happy to donate it to the baby)!
I searched may ways to make one, and liked this one the best. I had Dan knot the tie using the smaller underside, tried it on Henry, then cut off the excess. I sewed it down with a very rough stitch where it cut off the bulk of the tie. Next, I cut the neck open and used a zig zag stitch to attach some elastic. This way it can be easily slipped over his head, without undoing the knot that I already sewed down. My plan is for him to wear it in his 6 month pics.
Help!! I really like my babies to wear the bare minimum at this age to show off their fat and dimpled limbs.The question now is, does he wear the tie naked with only a diaper or over a white onesie? What do you think??
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Wee-Ones Wednesday: DEE-LICIOUS!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Misc. Monday: San Juan Capistrano
One of our favorite day trips is to San Juan Capistrano. We love to eat yummy Mexican food, get ice cream, visit the landmarks, and stroll through the antique shops. This summer, we went to Zoomars Petting Zoo for the first time, and we are so glad we did! It was a lot fun. The girls loved cuddling the bunnies and guinea pigs, petting zebra-donkeys, feeding the goats, playing in a cornbox, and riding the train. Everyone was happy and nice. Iris and Henry fell asleep on the way back home. Dan and I held hands and chit chatted in the car. There was no schedule or places to be. Ah, summer already seems so far away...
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Wee-Ones Wednesday: Preschool
It was Iris' turn yesterday to start school. She was beyond excited, just like her big sister. She loved having her pictures taken and all the attention being on her. Three of her little friends are in her class, and Lilly went to the same preschool, so she was not scared at all. I kind of liked having them start school on different weeks so they could each have their own special day. Dan brought them both a small cake to enjoy after dinner, and they each got a new book. When they go to school together, we will only need to get one cake. Where's the fun in that?
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Sew Crafty Saturday: Tooth Fairy Pillow & Sparkly $
Lilly started Kindergarten on Monday, got her first loose tooth on Wednesday, and lost that tooth on Friday night. I am not making this stuff up. Seriously, does she have to grow up so fast? I think she is doing it on purpose.
I had made her a tooth pillow for this special day, and of course couldn't find it anywhere. My friend, Heather, told me it would be weeks before her tooth fell out, and I had time to find it. Lilly was very excited and wiggling it constantly, so just in case, I started making her a new one and I'm so glad I did. Her tooth fell out as she was brushing her teeth last night, so while Dan read the girls a story, I finished the pillow. Lilly was so excited to pick out the fabric and put her tooth in the pocket. She tried her best to stay awake, but the tooth fairy was able to sneak in and leave a glittery five dollar bill and a tooth brush. I made sure to tell her the tooth fairy only leaves $5 for the first tooth. Wink wink!