Monday, January 10, 2011
Misc. Monday: New Year's Resolution
I have never made a New Year's Resolution, so that makes this year's resolution that much more serious to me. Dan's Cousin Meredith shared with me the 2011 Siesta Scripture Memory Team (siesta means sister)where women are encouraged to memorize 24 Bible scriptures in a year. That is two a month! We are supposed to log in our new verses on the 1st and 15th. Memorization has never come easy to me, so this will be a challenge. I talked four of my sweet girlfriends into doing it with me, so if you see me, Amy, Kristy, Emy, or Stephanie anytime this year, ask us what verse we are working on. We get to choose our own verses in areas we need strength, hope, etc. It's not too late to join us; let me know if you do. Meredith said this was a life changing experience for her. I am leaning 1 John 3:18 "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, bit with actions and in truth." It's already changed my life. Just ask Dan, I got out of our warm bed to get something for him because love is a verb; it's something you do!
Love it! Getting out of bed to get something is a big deal in our house too! I am already loving this too. I think the year will bring all kinds of great transformation for all of us!