Monday, June 4, 2012

Misc. Monday: Books, Books, Books!

I love to read. I've been a reader my whole life. I love stories. I can not remember a time I couldn't read, and I don't remember learning how. My mom says I even taught my sister how to read, and I remember reading The Scarlet Letter out loud to Penny when she was in high school.
Now I find myself listening to Lilly read words I never taught her. It's amazing! Kindergarten has not even started and she is reading constantly. Books, posters, signs, tee-shirts, you name it. She loves to be read to.  It seems like one of the only things she will stay still for is a book. Like mother, like daughter; I'm happy to say.

1 comment:

  1. you and lilly are so much alike. so fascinating watching them grow into their (or our) personalities.
