Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wee-Ones Wednesday: And So It Begins



This boy is on the move. He has more bruises on his head from falling and crawling into things than his sisters ever did. He stands up on anything he can get his hands on, including your pant legs. It is so impossible to put a diaper on his squirming bum that they couldn't get his pants back on him Sunday in the church nursery. Is this what little boys are made of?


  1. oh, man! love all those rolls! he makes me smile just looking at him. he is just so happy.

  2. Haha! Poor nursery workers. I think you got lucky with Hendricks; JJ was not like that at all (but I fear Jovie will be).

  3. Sounds a little like Reese with the diapering and putting pants on----it was a real challenge. But, your boy is soooo cute that no one minds.

  4. He's growing up too fast! What a cutie.
