Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wee-Ones Wednesday: TWO

birthday breakfast

birthday call from and
phone kisses


more presents
birthday breakfast dessert

kisses from grammy
Dear Hendricks,
I find it hard to believe that you are already two. It seems like you were born just last week. Not a day goes by that I don't feel grateful for your presence in our home. You are such an incredible little boy, and by that, I mean to say you are all boy. You climb like a monkey, jump fearlessly, and run like the wind. You don't say very much, but we all know what you want. You give the best hugs and the wettest kisses. I never want to forget the way your rub your right ear when you are tired or the way you raise your legs up when I try to put you down. You love to cuddle and my heart squeezes a little every time you yell, "mama!" and run my way. You are my last, my baby. There's something very tender about that, so forgive me if I love you a little too hard as you grow up. I pray for you everyday... that you make strong friendships, that you don't move too far away, that you marry a woman who loves Jesus, that you grow up to be kind. Most of all, I pray that you follow hard after Jesus all of your days. I love you, sweet precious boy. Happy birthday!
xoxo, Mommy