Dear Iris,
My little girl is in first grade! You were so nervous the first day of school, I was nauseous for hours after dropping you off. I should have known you would be ok because you made sure to tell me to ask your teacher if she would take a picture with you. When I picked you up after school, you ran into my arms and said you loved first grade and your teacher is sooo funny. The relief I felt was enormous! You have such a thoughtful, kind spirit. I love how you make things for your friends at school. I've prayed for those friends, and God answered my prayers because they are awesome! You can be so stubborn. You stomp your feet and cry. Quite the little fire cracker all of a sudden, but you are exerting your independence and wanting to do things on your own. I get it, but it's bittersweet for a mommy. I love to watch you play. You set up the best cities, and it brings me so much joy to hear your dolls talk to one another. And you are funny, oh so funny! You have a quick wit, and a wonderful laugh. You give tight hugs and don't like to be kissed on the lips (it's ok, I don't either). We love you so much, sweet Iris. We pray for you everyday, that you grow up to love Jesus and that you never feel alone. Life can be hard, but we will always be here for you. I pray that you carry that knowledge with you wherever you go! Enjoy first grade!
Love your kids!