Monday, February 8, 2010

Misc. Monday: XOXO

We are getting ready for Valentine's Day around here. Lilly has her first party at preschool, so we decided to make her Valentine's, instead of buy them. They are little butterflies. We found the pattern at She had a lot of fun making the first few, but tired out before I thought she would. I made these little banners for the girls' bedroom doors too. The pattern is at the same place. I also finished these bags for the girls to fill next Sunday with little goodies. I'm excited it's on the weekend this year; I have heart foods and a possible scavenger hunt planned. What fun!!


  1. So cute! I bet Lilly will be so excited to exchange valentine's at school! And I'm pretty sure Valentine's Day is on Sunday, not Saturday. The 14th, right? I feel like I may be brain farting on this one... But I do know for sure that we'll see you on the 15th! (somebody's birthday!)

  2. Thanks for bringing the girls we had so much fun! I hope they fell asleep in the car :)
