Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wee-One Wednesday: Preschool Finale

Lilly's closing week of preschool was quite busy. There was a program at 7pm on Tuesday, and a promotion ceremony the next morning. Her class dressed up as the months of the year. Lilly was September, so got to dress as a teacher (lucky girl). She was perfect for her part, and did pretty well waiting through the other classes. It wasn't until the grand finale that our little girl decided that all this attention was the best thing ever. You could actually see her wheels spinning. She started singing louder and louder. She began to jump up and down. Then she lifted up her dress to the standing room only audience! Everyone laughed and laughed! She was in heaven! She had found her place in the world and apparently that place is a stage. I was mortified at first, but after many encouraging words from teachers and parents, Dan and I just have to laugh. We look forward to showing the video to all her friends on prom night.
She was much more subdued for her promotion the next day. I think the night before definitely wore her out!

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