Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wee-Ones Wednesday: Happy Times

Dan's sister, her husband, and their two kids are down here for a week's vacation. We've been busy, enjoying family time. We've gone swimming at their hotel, BBQed twice, and went to Irvine Spectrum. Lilly had to go to the doctor's yesterday because she had a fever and slept only two hours the night before. Poor girl has a severe ear infection, so we had to back out of yesterday's plans. Last night, the four of us adults went to dinner at The Cellar Restaurant in Fullerton, where I drank some pretty fancy wine! Today, we all went to Disneyland. Lilly was a trooper. I wasn't sure if we were going to make it, but we didn't want to miss Uncle Ryan's first time! Everyone loved it. The little babies stayed through lunch, then Grammy took them home. The lines were short and the people were nice. We even went on the Michael's family favorite, "It's A Small World" twice. I haven't been there in July since I was a kid, so I expected the worst. It was a wonderful day. We were just very hot and tired by the end of it, but that's nothing a bath and bedtime can't fix!

1 comment:

  1. so is it more fun to go to disneyland with your kids and see the excitement through their eyes? i just love their faces in these pictures - so much fun!
