Lilly is one of the most enthusiastic children I know. She has no volume control, just your basic on and off switch, and sometimes the off button is broken. She loves life, and when things are going her way you will often hear her exclaim, "This is the best day ever!!!" Her zest for life carries over to the bad days too. When something goes wrong or God forbid, she can't find something, you better stand back because an eruption is about to ensue. Lilly has been this way since the day she was born. It is something I have grown to admire, and I have a feeling she might have inherited it from me. She may put her foot in her mouth or become over zealous, but she is pure and true. And I am so very glad she is ours! Happy 8th birthday, Lilly!
xoxoxox, Mom
luv the cake! but luv iris' hug the best! so sweet, sister's love!