Monday, April 26, 2010

Misc. Monday: Meet Brian

When Dan and I got married, we decided to sponsor a child through Compassion International. Watching Ploy go from being a little 7 year old little girl, to the 12 year old young lady she is now has been so amazing!
For the past month, our church has been in a series: Beyond the grave, Beyond the walls, Beyond words, Beyond me. I was doing great up until "Beyond me." Our church is very invested in the Mathare slums of Kenya. The conditions there are truly horrific. When Dan mentioned sponsoring another child, I told him we already do that, and maybe it would be nice to do when the girls were older and they would understand and could be a part of the decision process. Yesterday's service was beyond me... so to speak. I realized that we are so very blessed. We eat fabulous food, drink bottled water, are clean, live in a gorgeous home, wear beautiful clothes, and have tons of toys. We have so many choices. People are self centered by nature. We are born that way. (Blame Adam and Eve). Dan and I want to show our children that there is a world outside of ourselves. It is so easy to go about our lives, complaining about our valleys and loving the times we are on our peaks. Why not share what we have been blessed with? What was I waiting for? Thirty-five dollars a month is less than going out to dinner and he gets so much more. So here's Brian... we always wanted a son. :)
If you are interested in sponsoring a child, you can visit and see what it is all about.


  1. That is so great! I am very proud of you guys. What a great example to the girls!

  2. Ditto the Flomotion. Your post is so beautifully written, and it is so encouraging to me that even in the midst of tough economic times and uncertainty, you guys have stepped up in a big way to help someone who really needs it. God is so good, and I believe he will bless you for stepping out in faith to provide for one of his children.
