Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wee-One Wednesday: THREE

Who ever came up with the phrase "terrible twos" never met my three year old. I'm so tired. Everything right now is a battle... getting dressed, dinner, getting out of the bath, being nice to her sister, going home, and using an inside voice. Being three sure seems emotionally draining. Poor Lilly just can't seem to get a handle on her emotions. She loves life with an intensity that I can not even attempt to match. It's a joy to watch. One the other hand, when she is upset, you would think the end of the world is near. I keep reminding myself that I was the same way when I was little. She'll learn, mess up, mature, and grow. I's a process. But for now, I'm tired... oh, and sorry Mom!


  1. Hang in there Michelle! You're doing a great job! Maybe all the drama will prepare her to be a great actress and she'll make lots of money to share with you!! Either way, she'll turn out great!

  2. haha, you poor thing! i like the apology to mom!

  3. Lilly could not be any more perfect. She loves everything, everyday, all day and night. God has big plans for her. xoxo
