Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sew Crafty Saturday: Finally...

I have been missing being creative. Open House and state testing at work, as well as birthdays and life with little ones at home have occupied much of my time lately. I have missed crafting, and reading, and Michelle time. I have literally started a notebook listing all of the sewing and craft projects I want to do. Today, Dan was sweet enough to watch the girls (again) so I could get away. He is so awesome! Anyway, my great friend Lisa and I took a crafting class @ Seed in Costa Mesa. It was called "Quick Crafts" and we made scented soy candles, jewelry, and felt hair clips and headbands. It was sooo much fun! You don't realize how much you miss a friend till you get to spend time with her. Life is weird like that.
P.S. I plan on making lots of these for gifts, so beware friends.
P.P.S. Doesn't Lilly make a wonderful model?


  1. I had such a great time today! You are a truly fabulous friend!

  2. So fun! All of your crafts look amazing! And yes, Lilly is quite the little model.

  3. Lilly does make a really great model!!
