Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sew Crafty Saturday: Foxy Nursery Part 1

I finally finished the quilt for Hendricks' room. I love how it turned out!

I can't believe I found some fox babies. The one on the left is from Anthropologie. I made the one in the middle and the one on the right I found on

Here's the little pillow I made. I drew it free hand, looking at a picture. Then made a quick pattern and sewed him up using scrap fabric. I decided to paint on the eyes because I didn't want the baby to pull on embroidery floss. This sweet, little pillow will probably move to a white Eames rocker, once the room is completed.

Here's a shot of the completed quilt. It's a little bigger than a standard  crib size and is super soft.
 Our foxy nursery is really coming along, and we could not be happier with the progress we are making. These are some of the handmade touches. Monday, I'll share a few more photos. Right now, Lilly's still sleeping in this room. Her bunk is up and ready to go in the "girls' room", we just have to take the plunge and move her in. I'm 35 weeks now, so we still have a little time!


  1. Wow it looks so amazing! It's such a cute theme!!!

  2. it is beautiful! i agree everything is turning out just right. good job mama.

  3. Gorgeous! You did a fantastic job on the fox pillow, and to think it was done freehand. If you don't have an Etsy, maybe consider starting one where you sell your own patterns. I'm sure they'd be big sellers!
    I'm struggling with coming up with a theme for my little man's nursery - how did you come to decide on the fox theme? I've heard many moms liken it to choosing a wedding dress... "you just know it's the one." :)

  4. The pillow you made is so cute! I can't believe you made the pattern yourself. It's just too cute!

  5. This is just the foxy theme! Would be delighted for you to link up to my brand new party:
    (your newest follower)
