Monday, April 23, 2012

Misc. Monday: Milestone or Smallstone...

Dan's been reminding me for awhile now that we need to feed Hendricks a bottle so he is familiar with it before I go back to work. Today, I pumped while he was at work, and he got to feed his son for the first time when he got home. They both loved it. Dan was so excited by how fast Hendricks ate and how big his burps were. I am relieved that eating will not be an issue when I go back to work (it was with Iris), but I don't want to go back to work. Don't get me wrong. I love teaching, my students, my co-workers... I just love my children more.


  1. Hendricks is getting so big! What a doll! It's going to be fun having another boy around:)

  2. Oh my goodness, what a cutie! He's a little chunky monkey in that pic with Lilly - adorable! And James almost cried he laughed so hard at the "peace" picture. Perfection!

  3. the ones of him in his jeans and hat are soooo adorable!
