Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sew Crafty Saturday: Tooth Fairy Pillow & Sparkly $


Lilly started Kindergarten on Monday, got her first loose tooth on Wednesday, and lost that tooth on Friday night. I am not making this stuff up. Seriously, does she have to grow up so fast? I think she is doing it on purpose.
I had made her a tooth pillow for this special day, and of course couldn't find it anywhere. My friend, Heather, told me it would be weeks before her tooth fell out, and I had time to find it. Lilly was very excited and wiggling it constantly, so just in case, I started making her a new one and I'm so glad I did. Her tooth fell out as she was brushing her teeth last night, so while Dan read the girls a story, I finished the pillow. Lilly was so excited to pick out the fabric and put her tooth in the pocket. She tried her best to stay awake, but the tooth fairy was able to sneak in and leave a glittery five dollar bill and a tooth brush. I made sure to tell her the tooth fairy only leaves $5 for the first tooth. Wink wink!


  1. So sweet! The pillow is adorable, and so is your girl. My daughter is named Lily too :) I like the sparkly $5! That's a clever idea. I'm your newest follower from I Should be Mopping the Floor's hop :)


  2. What a Mom! Great Tooth Fairy Pillow. Adding sparkle to the $5 was very clever. Keep the pillow handy......

  3. I love it! Lilly is growing up so fast...she wouldn't want it any other way. I love the last pic. She is so beautiful.
