Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wee-Ones Wednesday: Are We Mean?

She traced the "ballerina does and doesn't part." Gotta love Kindergarten fonts!

It was Lilly's idea to draw a happy ballerina face and cross
out a bad ballerina.
Lilly really wants to take ballet, or "vallet" as she call it. She asks all the time. It's something we would love for her to do too. (She could use even more structure and discipline in her life!) We can afford it; money is not the issue as to why we are not taking her right now. The thing is, we are not sure that she deserves to go.  You see, Miss Lilly has developed some bad habits in her old age. Nothing out of the ordinary for a four year old, I am told. Yet, difficult to live with to say the least. She has good days and bad, just like the rest of us, still... Becoming a ballerina is a big deal to her, so why not use this as an opportunity to help her make good decisions? Hence, our ballerina chart was developed. We all wish her good luck!


  1. No, you're not mean. I think you're super smart for making these charts, and she will learn to earn what she desires, rather than being rewarded for bad behavior. I think you're doing the right thing, so keep up the good work!

  2. Oh man! We are going through the same thing right now. Just got off the phone tonight with Dougie's teacher about him showing his bad behavior at school. I am so frustrated sometimes. He is an angel one minute and a nightmare the next. Hopefully she wants ballet enough :) I need to figure something out that Dougie can earn.

  3. I think it's a great idea! She'll enjoy ballet so much more knowing that she earned them.

  4. Lilly has earned her "wings" huh... ballet shoes
