Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wee-Ones Wednesday: Little Ladies Update

Day three of Lilly's face looks way worse than before, but at least the swelling is gone. She is doing pretty well on her ballerina chart, and had an excellent week, with just a few episodes of whining here and there. I'm planning on taking her to observe a class on Friday. That should definitely seal the deal. She has been very kind to her sister. She is picking up her room now, but it's the stomping and arguing that's hard for her, which I hear is quite normal.

Iris is doing great. Her breathing is completely normal, and we go back to the doctor's again on Monday. She has learned to embrace her breathing treatments because it is her special time to cuddle with whoever is administering it to her.  Iris loves baby dolls more than anything. She feeds them, listens to their breathing with her stethoscope, pats their backs, and loves to push them around in doll strollers. She's already worn out the one from Christmas! Lilly didn't play with dolls like this at Iris' age. It's so fun to watch how different they are.  She is talking up a storm now, and has finally started to say Lilly or "Yiyi." She always says thank you.

1 comment:

  1. oh my word, poor little lilly! that's quite the battle scar. she looks hardcore though, so I bet she won't be getting pushed around on the playground :) We'll be thinking of Iris on Monday, hopefully they can give more answers this time around.
