Her first day was last Wednesday and when we asked her if she liked it, she said she wanted to go there "forever and ever, ever, ever, ever..." We went out to dinner to celebrate and in the car I asked her if she got to sing any songs. She said she missed singing time because she got a time out. She went on to tell us that she kicked a girl. I told her that we never hurt people and if she is too naughty there, they won't let her come back. I asked he if she would kick anyone again and she replied, Heavens, no!" Friday night, after her second day, she asked me what the word warning means... and today there was no time out and no warning, so I guess she is learning something! I just can't get over how independent she is becoming. She tells anyone who will listen that she can drink out of a cup with no lid on it and get dressed by herself. Next, I suppose she'll be driving!
So hilarious! How did she get so big? It seems like just yesterday she was a little nugget we visited in the hospital!