Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sew Crafty Saturday: Kids Clothes Week Challenge

I used the repurposing pillowcases book to make this dress.

I should give Dan a little credit for making 5 of these cute bird houses. Great job, Daddy!
So, I took the KCWC with Elsie Marley this week. I was supposed to sew for the girls at least one hour a day and see what I could accomplish. Let's be honest, I didn't sew everyday. With work, doctor appointments (fill you in on that later), the girls, dinner, laundry, life... you get the idea; it was nearly inpossible. I did get a chance to sew for more than an hour on my days off this week. I love when my job share contract gives me two days off instead of one!
Prudent Baby's tutorial helped me out with this t-shirt makeover.

Dan bought me this Paul Frank T-shirt on one of our first dates,
so it's really fun to see it get worn again!

I think she's enjoying modeling for me a little too much!


  1. u go girl! ur on ur way to making the blog work for you.;)

  2. where did you get the pretty model? so creative and cute... just think you did not even know what a bobbin was!!! Grandma Alice would be so proud of you just as i am.
