Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wee-Ones Wednesday: Little Guppies

Both girls about to jump at the same time!

The girls completed their 2 weeks of swimming lessons. This was the first year in a long time that I didn't have to go in with one of them for the "Parent and Me" class. Lilly has officially learned how to swim. I can't say that it looks graceful in anyway, but her head is above water! Hooray for her. Both girls loved swimming lessons and jumped off the diving board everyday. Iris is a maniac with floaties. She loves to blow bubbles and put her face in the water. She followed all the directions given to her by the teacher, kicked her little heart out, and should be swimming in no time. If you have a pool, we are waiting for our invitaion to come over and show you our skills!


  1. Hello, I’ve just nominated you for a Liebster Blog award for being a crafty blogger with under 200 followers. You can read my blog post here (scroll to the bottom to see your name!)
    If you want more information about the ‘guidelines’ of the award you can read it here on the post from the lady who gave it to me:
    Best wishes, Linda.

  2. It seems so weird that they are old enough to not need you in the pool. I love that Lilly's swimming is not super graceful. As long as she gets the job done. I'm sure my parents would let you come over any time you wanted - their pool has been lacking swimmers for years now.
