Monday, August 9, 2010

Misc. Monday: Boo Hoo...

Dan and I went to a wedding on Saturday, and I bought a new dress for the occasion due to the encouragement of my friend, Heather. Since Dan and I looked so cute, I couldn't resist having my mom take some pictures. Lilly was very excited to see us all glammed up, so she got out her boa and posed with us for quite a few. Earlier in the day, she had given me her pirate telescope (decorated toilet paper roll), and told me to take it the the ball (wedding), so I could look out for the mean step girls (from Cinderella). I felt like a princess!
Fast forward to yesterday, I upload the pictures as I normally do and delete them off the camera. When I looked in the file on the computer for the pictures, I could only see one (and you are looking at it)! How could this have happened? I looked adorable!! Lilly was too cute & Dan was super handsome!! The moment can not be recaptured. I guess, in my haste and multitasking mode, when I hit control all to drag the pics over...I didn't. I dragged only one, and not the best one either. Ugh! Will I ever learn?


  1. Oh no! I started saving all my pics to CDs before deleting them for fear that I would do this too! On the plus side, the memories are priceless and it is still 1 fabulous picture. I love the dress!

  2. you are one hot mama!!!! the dress looks fab on you. so glad you splurged. so bummed about the other pics.

  3. WooHoo!! You two are way too cute!!
