Monday, June 6, 2011

Misc. Monday : Grace

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
James 1:19-20
A Bible verse I have committed to memory, but find very difficult to commit to practice in my daily life. I can be so careless with my words, not even realizing their impact until it is too late. I mess up all the time; and I always think, “Maybe I’ll learn my lesson when I’m 80.” We tell our kids if they don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Yet, as adults, we feel we have a right to be heard and a need to have our feelings validated... but we don't, especially if our words may be hurtful.
I often forget that I don’t need validation from anyone, but Jesus Christ. I’m forever grateful for a GOD who loves me for who I am, in spite of where I’ve been, and believes in the woman I will become. I know that I am forgiven and that grace means everything to me.
I am also surrounded by people who love me and know my heart. This friendship and love convicts me to be a better person. I am amazed at how much a person can learn in a lifetime, let alone a single day.
God's grace doesn't mean that I'm free to say whatever I'm feeling at any particular moment. Oh no. Saying sorry can be hard to do, but it is so necessary. Forgiveness is a beautiful gift we can give one another, especially after a heartfelt (with no excuses or explanations) apology. I will continue striving to be slow to speak and even slower to become angry. Hopefully, I will get there before I'm 80!
Psalm 15:1
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger"
This is another verse I just stumbles upon in my journey; I think it may need memorizing!

Side note: I had this post written last Monday, but chickened out and put up the Memorial Day picture instead. Then I read an old friend of mine's guest blog appearance and figured if she could do it, I could too. I haven't changed anything from last week instead of this little side note.


  1. Well said, Michelle. I really appreciate your honesty, and I think that it's so important to be authentic when considering God's grace and forgiveness toward us. I read your friend's post too, which was excellent. It is because you gals are strong enough to share struggles along with victories that other women, like me, learn new things, are challenged to do better, and do not feel alone in striving to improve on our weaknesses. Thanks for sharing your heart. xo

  2. Oh my gosh, Michelle! This is so timely, esp, after the meeting on Friday. We should all read this. I'll update you soon on why this also means a lot to me. too much to type. Thanks! BABA
