Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wee-Ones Wednesday: Acacia's Got Talent

Lilly's kindergarten class participated in Acacia's talent show by singing a "12 Days of Kindergarten" homage to their teacher, sung to the tune of "The 12 Days of Christmas." It was very sweet and adorable. I was overwhelmed by the stage, sound, and lights. There was even a fog machine that came on during the second half of the show. Parents had the opportunity to purchase a professional grade DVD recording of the show. I'm telling you, this was nothing I have ever seen at an elementary school!
We left early, but heard it went until just before 10pm! When we got home, Lilly asked why we didn't let her do an act all by herself (a few other kindergartners did). I told her it didn't even cross my mind. To which she replied, "I would have told jokes and worn a suit with a bow tie" because apparently that is what comedians wear!?!?

1 comment:

  1. wow! they don't mess around at that school. crazy production!
