Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wee-Ones Wednesday: A Race To The Finish


Thank God my school got out 2 weeks before the girls' did. It was a race to the finish, I tell you! Iris had pinata party (their class made it), an end of the year play (she was the month of May), and a closing ceremony (funny, because she will still be in preschool next year).


Lilly had Open House (complete with QR codes on projects), an awards assembly (she earned an outstanding reader award), a school play (girls wore pink and were Goldilocks & boys wore blue and were the bears), a picnic after the play (teddy bears got to have a sleep over in the classroom after), and an end of the year party (Kindergarten was a ball). Whew, we made it just in time to begin a busy summer!

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