Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wee Ones Wednesday: Our Little Daisy

**Caution: This is not the post I intended on writing when I sat down at the computer...
We have a daisy in our house! This is so special to me because my sister and I never got to do extracurricular activities when we were growing up. The first time we bought Lilly ballet slippers for dance class, I cried. I was so happy for her. Our children will never know what it means to come from a "broken home," staying at Day Care until closing time. They have no idea how hard other kids' lives can be, and how truly blessed they are. Their parents love each other. They know Jesus loves them. Their grandparents love them. Their bellies are full and their schools are awesome. In relation to the world, they are spoiled. And you know what? I'm OK with that. It means we are doing a good job. They will learn soon enough about this harsh world. For now, I will cherish my  innocently ungrateful kids. Their eyes will be opened soon enough. Dan and will make sure that our kids do not become ungrateful adults. They will give back. They will do good. You can count on it!

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