Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sew Crafty Saturday: Snowflakes

Don't you just love the snow?

This little yarn ball snowman wreath is my favorite, and he was so easy to make. All you need is a little hot glue, some buttons, an embroidery hoop, pins for arms, and an old spool of thread, and you're done!

I found this little print online. Sorry, I can't remember where and I got the little trees on clearance at Anthropoligie.

My girlfriend at work, gave me this adorable owl mug, and I perfected my snowflake cutting in all my years teaching.

Lilly, "This is the only snow we're going to get in Fullerton."

Close-up of the wall over the console table. This is the same book and cards from the 1950's that I used at Christmas.
 I love estate sales!
 I wasn't necessarily planning on it, but I have now decorated for winter, and have no plans on stopping in the months ahead. There are just too many resources out there and fun things to collect! I searched for poems about snow, and found "Snowflakes" by Emily Dickenson. It's so fun! To sum it up, she says she's going to put down her pen to go dance in the snow. How amazing is that?

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