Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sew Crafty Saturday: Mini-Lap Quilts

I actually sewed! It's been too long, and it was so much fun. Having three kids and teaching kindergarten really puts a cramp in my crafting style! Anyhoo...
Regular size blankets are just too big and bulky for the car seat, so I made Henry two little lap quilts. The brown and orange one was made from left over fabric from his crib bedding. I used squares from a pre-cut charm pack that I've had sitting around for awhile for the front of other one, and I cut up a maternity sweater for the back. Henry loves to cuddle up in his little blankies. We use them often and it makes me smile to know that I made them.


  1. I love these! They are so much cuter than your average blankies and Hendricks always looks adorable snuggled up with them!

  2. i love your new blog header! is amy behind that one? it's adorable. great name! love the banner look. it fits you so well.

  3. He's gotten so big! His smiles are adorable.

  4. Yay, you found time to do things you love. i love them. so cute
